Access Keys:

Milltown Primary School, Banbridge, Co. Down



The Parent Teacher Association of the school provides opportunities for members of the school community to come together, meet socially and work for the benefit of the pupils.

Each year parents organise a Christmas Hamper Raffle which raises funds for school. Congratulations to our winners this year - Murphy and Josh!

The PTA have organised the following activities:

  • Table Quiz,
  • Pupils’ Sponsored Walk,
  • Fireside quizzes,
  • Non Uniform days
  • Guess the weight / Name the Doll etc.

The PTA annually funds transport for the whole school to visit the pantomime at Christmas. Additional monies raised are donated to the school and used to provide extra resources for the benefit of the pupils.



14th Jun 2024
Have a look at our ‘Break the Rules Day’ photographs. 
26th Mar 2024
Pupils had a great time at the PTA Egg Hunt with delicious prizes to be enjoyed …....
7th Mar 2024
PTA held a successful World Book Day event in March. Children and their families...