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Milltown Primary School, Banbridge, Co. Down
Have you a child starting school in September? Contact us to arrange a tour. See in the Parents' Area 'Why Choose Milltown Primary?' and Enrolment Information.
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Sports Day 2021

14th Jun 2021

Our Sports Day theme this year was Euro 2020.  We were organised into 3 teams; Italy (Green), England (Blue) and Wales (Red).  We wore our team colours on Sports Day.  The rain stayed away long enough for Sports Day to take place as scheduled.  We took part in running, egg and spoon, beanbag, space-hopper, sack and relay races. The Primary 5, 6 and 7 competed in a javelin throwing competition.  We even had a teachers' egg and spoon race! We had great fun and really enjoyed being together as a whole school.