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Milltown Primary School, Banbridge, Co. Down
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P1/2 Shared Education Activity 4: Den Making

29th Mar 2022

We read two stories about Percy the Park Keeper; ‘Percy and the Storm’ and ‘Percy’s Springy Day’. We talked about how the season of Spring can bring bright, sunny weather but it also brings showers of rain. We designed dens for Percy and his animal friends to shelter from the April showers. In groups we decided who the den was for, what materials we would use and then designed our den on paper. Outside we chose a suitable place then worked as a team to construct a den. Some chose a shady area in the trees, others used the goal posts, some used a fence as a back support and one group used the stage and added pictures of Percy and his animal friends on the chalkboard. Two children made a video to tell our friends in Gilford PS and St Colman’s Bann PS all about our work.