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P1/2 Shared Education Activity 3: Messy Play

19th Mar 2022

P1 and P2 have been very busy in the garden centre this week. Some children opened a garden cafe with flower arrangements on each table, a delicious menu and fabulous food freshly prepared in the mud kitchen. Some children chose to dig up an area of grass to plant (k’nex) flowers. This group found lots of worms while they were digging. Others kept the garden centre tidy by brushing up any leaves and sticks that had blown in the previous week. Also, there was opportunity for planting cress seeds and a range of fresh flowers into larger pots. The children followed pictorial instructions to plant their items.

We all planted beans as part of our Literacy work about Jack and the beanstalk. We discussed how we could look after these plants. We collected sticks and made castles and we will observe our bean plants to see which beanstalk reaches the castle first. 

Also, this week our caretaker Billy has started a special outdoor project. P1 and 2 were very curious about what this might be and offered to help Billy by digging the hole, removing any large stones and cutting tree roots. We can’t wait for the finished product!

We think messy children are definitely happy children!