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Milltown Primary School, Banbridge, Co. Down
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A colourful visitor

19th Feb 2022

We had a special and rather unusual visitor in class. Miss Gunn brought her pet chameleon ‘Karma’ to see us. Chameleons are very interesting creatures. Their eyes move independently from each other, they have 5 toes on each foot to help with grip and they have long tongues to help catch insects. Karma loves to eat live crickets. Many people think chameleons change colour based on their surroundings but they actually change colour due to mood, temperature or sickness. When Karma is cold she starts to turn black, when she is happy you can see spots appearing on her back and sometimes you can see turquoise stripes on her back. Chameleons also shed their skin when new skin grows. Their skin does not come off in one whole piece like a snake but it flakes off as new skin grows. 
Most of us touched Karma and we found that she was softer than we thought she would be. We loved having Karma in class today 😁🦎